This special lottery has been issued by the DLB in order to mark the Grama Shakthi programme initiated on the concept of H.E. the President Maithreepala Sirisena, with the objective of the alleviation of poverty and Vision 2025 implemented under the direction of Hon Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasingha and patronage of the Ministry of Finance and Media, Enterprises Sri Lanka programme and Gamperaliya Sanwardana Sangrama.
Development Lotteries Board further states that it has planned to sell this lottery concurrently to the Gamperaliya Exhibition held for the development of Uva-Wellassa areas.
This lottery was introduced yesterday (21.08.2018) by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Media at the Ministry of Finance. Mr. S.A.P.Suriyapperuma, Chairman, Mr. H.R.Wimalasiri , Working Director and officers of DLB participated in the event.
Now the opportunity is open for customers by this special draw of Sanwardana Wasana to win a Wagon R motor car and three Scooty cycles in addition to the cash prices and golden prices including super jackpot, which starts with an initial amount of Rs. 10 million.
The objective of the DLB is to bring you the luck whilst strengthening the development efforts of the country by this special lottery ticket, of which the draw is to be held on 27 September.
Special lottery to mark the development revolution