People’s Bank and Regional Development banks have been acknowledged to offer “Madhya Aruna” loan to those who have submitted their application forms to the banks before 20th November 2019. This was said by the State Minister of Information and Mass Media Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena at a press briefing held at the ministerial auditorium today(28) .

He further emphasized that “Madhya Aruna” media loan would be implemented next month with a new face. The applications have already been called for “Asidisi Media Scholarship 2020” which would be carried out with a view to enhancing the professionalism of the Sri Lankan journalists. The State Minister reminded that the applications are being received until 07th of February and the journalists who expect to develop their skills should submit the duly completed applications to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

The role that media is playing at the moment with regards to acknowledging the people regarding the viral spreading Corona virus was also subject to the appreciation. The State Minister also emphasized that the yeoman service that His Excellency the President Gatabaya Rajapaksa has taken to bring back the Sri Lankan students in Wuhan is second only to America.

The State Minister said that Sri Lankans can get to know about their relations in China by contacting 0861065321861 / 0861065321862 which would be in use for 24 hours in Sri Lankan Embassy in Beijing and a committee of 15 has already been appointed to prevent the Virus for being spread.

The state Minister said that a special package of 500,000 inclusive of foods and lodging also would be introduced to the Islamic devotees who would be visiting Macca.

Moreover the State Minister emphasized that the public can enjoy 8% VAT concession and accordingly 5555 goods and items belonging to 50 companies reported to Consumer Affairs Authority have been entitled to the VAT concession.